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How to Apply for Aid with FAFSA

经济援助是提供给学生及其家庭的资金,以帮助支付学费等高等教育费用, fees, books, supplies, etc. 援助的基本来源是助学金、奖学金、就业和贷款.  Students and their parent(s), if considered dependent, are considered the primary sources of funding for these costs.  经济援助的目的是填补学生和他们的父母在支付大学费用方面可能出现的缺口. Please view the steps below on how to apply for financial aid.


**需要提交1040/1040A/1040EZ纳税申报表的个人 should do so prior to completing the FAFSA.

FAFSA Information

The FAFSA must be filed online each academic (school) year. 学生应该尽早提交申请,以免耽误申请过程.

By calling 1-800-433-3243, students may request a paper FAFSA.  There is no charge to complete the FAFSA.  The first “F” in FAFSA stands for FREE!

  • Vance-Granville Community College School Code:  009903
  • 学生和家长可以要求国税局提供他们的纳税申报表.  申请是免费的,可以通过网上、传真或邮寄的方式提交.  请按下列选项之一索取美国国税局税务记录:
  • 如果以电子方式提交申请,则需要2至3周的时间,如果邮寄申请,则需要3至4周的时间. However, 在每学期开始前的申请高峰期,申请过程可能需要长达4至6周的时间.
  • 申请人将从中央处理系统收到学生援助报告(SAR). Review the provided information to ensure accuracy. 来自中央处理系统的信息不能保证援助资格.


  • 一旦美高梅mgm集团收到你的FAFSA,一封电子邮件通知将发送给你,申请人.  这封邮件会让你知道需要哪些额外的文件来完成你的文件,以及关于你的援助申请的任何重要信息.
  • Check your  my美高梅mgm集团 account.  Any documents requested or received will be posted to My Documents, under the Students menu, in your my美高梅mgm集团 account.

Step 3:  Check your Financial Aid Status

  • When your request for aid is processed, an award notification will be sent to your 美高梅mgm集团 email account.
  • In addition, you may check your status on my美高梅mgm集团.  如果所有文件都标有“已收到”或“豁免”的学年, your file is complete and aid is being awarded, if eligible.
  • View your Offer Letter in my美高梅mgm集团, by clicking on the three bars in the upper left corner, then “Financial Information”, “Financial Aid”, “Award Letter”, then select the award year.

Additional Information

  • To be eligible for aid, students must:
    • Demonstrate financial need
    • 在参与教育机构的合格学习项目中注册
    • Be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民-持临时签证或学生签证的学生没有资格获得联邦学生援助.
    • Have a valid Social Security number
    • High School Diploma, 高中同等学历(以前称为通识教育发展证书), Adult High School Certificate, or Home School Training
    • Must not be in default on a guaranteed student loan or have any overpayments of Title IV grants
    • 保持学术进步标准(SAP)以完成学术课程

Independent vs. Dependent

Please answer the questions on the FAFSA accurately 如果您需要提交投稿人信息,您将收到通知.

You are Independent if you are:

  • At least 24 years old by December 31 of the award year
  • Married
  • Are an orphan, ward/dependent of court, 被寄养或者父母双方都在13岁后去世
  • Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces or currently serving on active duty
  • 被解放的未成年人或由学生合法居住国法院认定的受法定监护的未成年人
  • 孩子的经济资助有一半以上来自学生吗
  • 是否有配偶以外的法定受养人从学生那里获得超过一半的经济资助
  • 在7月1日当天或之后的任何时间,被认定为无家可归或有无家可归风险的无人陪伴青年, 2023年由高中或地区无家可归者联络员确定, 紧急避难所或过渡性住房项目主任.S. 住房和城市发展部,或者离家出走或无家可归的青少年基本中心的主任
    • 鼓励无家可归或有无家可归风险的学生联系财政援助办公室讨论他们的情况.


可能需要文件来验证您的独立状态.  If you do not meet the above criteria, you will be considered a dependent student, and parent information will be required. 无论你是否与父母同住,这些信息都是必需的. If one has children or legal dependents, 独立学生需要提供足够的收入来源证明文件. 否则,学生将被视为依赖,并需要家长信息
